Best Momondo Promo Code · Momondo Discounts & History
momondo is a free, independent and inspiring global travel search site that compares billions of cheap flights, hotels and car rental deals. We serve travelers in more than 30 markets around the world and offer a bold and colorful travel universe that offers full price transparency on flights, hotels and cars, inspiring and empowering everyone to explore our wonderful world.
Open your world! Get inspired, find cheap flights and the best hotels and go on an unforgettable journey. momondo is a travel comparison portal that allows you to find the cheapest flights on hundreds of sites. The service is free and there are no reservation fees or the like. The powerful flight search engine has the right offers ready in seconds. European low-cost flight providers are also included in the survey. Therefore, the customer has the best possible option. momondo itself does not sell tickets and is not considered a travel agency. Only the selection of the cheapest flights is provided. In addition, momondo also offers a hotel search. More than 100,000 hotels worldwide are included in the survey. The offer is completed with a city guide. There you can get some inspiration up front.
The company was created in 2006 in Copenhagen, Denmark, to be a plane ticket fighter. The goal of creating momondo was to compete with the major players in the market. After a few years, the Booking group acquired the company and put it under the management of Kayak, thus forming part of the momondo Kayak managed group.
We compare airlines and travel agencies in search of the best airfares to national and international destinations and direct it to those who sell at the best price, without additional costs or fees.
With one click you can find promotional airfares and cheap flights, faster and even the best dates for cheap travel.
All you have to do is choose, and you are ready to travel cheaply around the world.
momondo shows you the cheapest flights. Operators work hard every day to achieve this stated corporate goal. Searching over 450 sites is completely free for the user. There is also a search for hotels and rental cars, tickets or special trips are not sold. As a search engine, momondo targets only the cheapest providers. The client is redirected to the corresponding pages and makes his reservation directly there.
To survive in the travel market, you must be flexible. This is also probably what the creators of momondo thought and added hotel search to flight search. The principle remained the same. There are over 100,000 hotels around the world to choose from. If you want to go a little further, you can also find rental cars through momondo.
Several city guides stay there. Cool and informative texts explain the hippest neighborhoods, the coolest bars or the most popular stores. The portal is continually updated.
Customer data is in safe hands with momondo and will not be passed on to third parties. But momondo cannot do without personal data, the data is necessary to establish authorization to access certain areas of the website, to respond to inquiries as soon as possible or to establish contact with the client.
momondo has reason to celebrate, because the supplier has proven to offer the most reliable prices.
The Danish travel comparison portal momondo has been on the road for several years. To ensure customers the best possible price transparency, hundreds of pages of flight portals and travel providers are searched. In addition, you can also find hotels and car rental companies. The price is programmed with momondo and almost always convinces with the best values. The website is well designed and the search functions are also convincing. The portal is constantly recommended for users who are really looking for the cheapest flight and who are looking for other information.
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momondo has won several awards as the best airline comparison site. CNN, New York Times, and Daily Telegraph recommend us, to name a few. Traveling is breaking borders. Traveling is feeding the instinctive sense of adventure that leads us to explore. Looking for new paths. See the world every day from a different perspective. Discovering new places. Persons. Guys Gestures A world of unexpected opportunities. In 2006, a small creative and dedicated team of skilled Danes decided to unite around a common purpose: to expand the world. Challenging the dogmas of the airline industry, they created momondo - a free, independent search engine that offers full cost transparency across the market. With highly specialized knowledge of code, robotics, and programming, they created a reliable, uncontrolled list of all available flight prices around the world, and made it available to everyone. momondo is developed from a rare combination of humanity with technology, instituted by entrepreneur and founder Thorvald Stigsen, who has a unique fusion of mathematical knowledge and creative intuition thanks to his diverse background in computer programming and modern theater.
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